The world may be in lock down, but I certainly am not!

My coaching sessions are now virtual so Now may be the best time for you to be working on your personal development and if you have managers, leaders and teams still working – how about thinking about their development as well? Even with some staff being furloughed, training and development is being encouraged and permitted, so now is the perfect time.


I’ve been inspired to take part in Simon Sinek’s weekly bookclub, discussing his Start with Why book, attended several webinars, finished Malcolm Gladwell’s book ‘Blink’ and just started Michael Singer’s book ‘The Untethered Soul’.  Despite having the longest ‘to do list’ I’ve ever had, this period of lock down has enabled me to do lots of reflection, change the way I do things, re-align with my core purpose and spend more remote social time with friends as I’m not tearing around the country in my car!


One of the key things I’ve been doing differently is delivering virtual training and coaching using Zoom and I’ve been very surprised at how interactive it can be!  Training sessions have been with a maximum of six people to ensure we can have great conversations within the group. The sharing of PowerPoint slides has become interactive with delegates writing over them and having discussions between themselves.  Whilst I love social interaction, this lock down for me, doesn’t mean social distancing – it is only physical distancing, and using Zoom has enabled me to socially interact with more people over the last couple of weeks, not less!


The lock down has also given me the chance to consider how I brand my courses and I’m launching the new GROWTH programme with all my courses, sitting in six key areas:

  1. Personal Growth
  2. Resilience & Agility
  3. Optimisation of People & Performance
  4. Why: Delivering Results
  5. Transformational Change
  6. Healthy Teams

All the training sitting in these areas will be redesigned to deliver virtually and when the lock down has ended, the usual on-site delivery will resume.


growth logo - virtual coaching


The new GROWTH programme – virtual coaching and training


Sitting at the heart of the GROWTH programme is a brand new ‘Managing and Inspiring People Virtually’ course.  The purpose of the session is to help inspire you to inspire others.  There will be links to the latest research, inspirational resources and plenty of discussion between delegates.  This will not be delivered ‘on mass’ to a large webinar audience, but will be delivered as an interactive video based training session.


I have limited spaces on a pilot session and will then advertise a limited number of further sessions across social media so do be sure to sign up soon – register your interest early so you don’t miss out and I’ll pop your details on a waiting list – simply contact me via the website, social media, phone or text.


I’m aiming to have a mix of delegates from different industries so that we can inspire and energise each other – I’ve already had interest across sectors including communications, engineering, facilities management and local authorities so I’m hoping we can share good practice and go away with some new ideas.


For the time being, let’s live happily in a virtual world, enjoy time with our families, have a positive impact on the environment and enjoy the outdoors where we can.


Until we return to a changed ‘new world’, keep safe everyone.