How to develop resilience in the new world. Whether you are a business leader or team leader, there are plenty of things you can do to manage the ongoing period of uncertainty, or we could call it evolution….

Here are my top 5 handy hints for building both your own and your business’s resilience:people development through interactive workshops

  • 1. Recognise your freedom to choose – uncertainty will be continuing and this we cannot control. We can however, control our choices, mindset and habits – practice reflecting on your learning and gratefulness, even on difficult days.


  • 2. Practice positive reframing – when you find yourself believing you ‘can’t’ ask yourself, what would it be like if I ‘could’ – keep practising, and with each other.


  • 3. Keep learning every day! Invest in your personal growth, share your learning, listen to great podcasts from people like Simon Sinek, read books by people like Declan Coyle and Andy Cope – learn from people who are good at resilience – you can learn to do exactly what they do.


  • 4. Define your purpose – either for yourself, your team, or your organisation – maintaining alignment with your ‘True North’ (Mark MacGregor) or ‘Why’ (Simon Sinek) is an excellent way to weather tough times.


  • 5. Develop clear accountability in teams – know who is responsible for what, recognise individual talents and trust each other – get this right and you’ll build resilience in yourself and your team.


Working with entrepreneurs, business leaders or individuals, I enable you to develop your resilience through coaching and training. Please call/email or use the contact form for a free initial consultation.